10 Governments begin to restrict and even ban social media companies

In 2024 a number of countries considered barring the use of smart phones in school classes, while others attempted to restrict their publication of dangerous information used by terrorists and those considering harming themselves and/or others. Many of these companies such as TikTok, Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram have been slow to take down offending images and stories. While political parties were successful in limiting the distortion social media had on major elections in 2024, it’s time governments take stronger action to limit the power of social media. In 2025 I expect to see more bans on social media and smart phones in secondary schools and a reappraisal of the effects these (usually foreign) companies have on their citizens. Of course many countries (mostly in the Far East) use the Internet to survielle and control their citizens. In others certain apps have been barred from the country in times of conflict. We need to do more in the West to limit the negative effect social media has when its information gets into the wrong hands.

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