2X Software – Fixing Back-End Issues For Desktop Virtualisation And Cloud Computing

Desktop and application virtualisation can be very difficult for users to implement. Read ITCandor's interview with 2X Software, which understands the underlying infrastructure challenges and offers cost effective software. Read more »

Cisco – John Chambers Outlines Strategies And Direction At Cisco Live! And C-Scape

Cisco's CEO John Chambers presented the company's strategy and values at Cisco Live! and its C-Scape analyst meeting held in London's Excel conference centre this week. Read ITCandor's analysis of its challenges going forward. Read more »

ITCandor 2011 Expectations – A Big Year For Cloud, BRIC, High Definition And Water

2011 is going to be a great year for the ITC market. Read ITCandor's 10 'Expectations' for how the market will develop, including detailed views of offerings, countries, channels and vertical markets. Read more »

Virtustream – Delivering Advanced Managed Services Via Cloud Computing And IaaS

Virtustream are a long term provider of IaaS and Cloud Computing - offering ERP and other mission critical services. Their partnerships include Jersey Telecom. They're very important as the first of a new type of Cloud managed service provider. Read more »

Racemi’s Image-Based Provisioning Ripe For Cloud Computing

The growth of virtualisation and Cloud Computing means that server images need to be constantly lifted and moved about a data centre, to the Cloud and back. Racemi is a specialist software expert in the area of Image-Based Provisioning. Read this article based on an interview with CEO Lawrence Guillory to learn more. Read more »

AMD Outlines The Developing Web Hosting And Cloud Computing Ecosystem

There are three streams of development for Cloud Computing - Lamp, Azure and JAVA. In this analyst report ITCandor shows the evolving ecosystem, with help from AMD. Read more »

Fujitsu’s New CX1000 Primegy Server – Density Design For Cloud Computing With New Cooling

Fujitsu have designed a new modular server made from nodes and cooled by funnels, allowing data centres to do away with 'hot aisles' Read ITCandor's take on its announcement. Read more »

Vision Solutions Double-Take Software Steps Into Cloud Computing With Amazon EC2 – Promises ‘Recovery as a Service’

Double-Take Software are partnering with Amazon's EC2 to take the first steps towards providing 'Recovery as a Service'. In this interview with Peter Laudenslager Martin outlines the approach. Read more »