FNZ’s ‘Platform As A Service’ Offering – Wholesale Wealth Management And Cloud Computing

FNZ provides an aggreagator service for Financial Services companies in the Wealth Management area. In this article Martin describes why this is important to the development of Cloud Computing. Read more »

Fujitsu Technology Solutions Strategy Offers Cloud Computing And Dynamic Infrastructures

Fujitsu Technology Solutions (FTS) hosted its Visit 09 conference in Munich in November. In this report Martin outlines its strategy and gives his opinions. Read more »

Symantec – Enabling The Shift From ‘System’ To ‘Information’ Centric IT With Cloud Computing

Symantec is extending its portfolio by addressing the nascent Cloud Computer market. In this analyst report Martin outlines its strategy and provides an overview of its market position and acquisitions. Read more »

The Xen Cloud Platform Initiative Aims For Open Source Links Between Private And Public Cloud Computing

Xen.org is developing Open Source means of connecting private and public Cloud Computing. In this analyst report Martin talks about the challenges data centre managers have in addressing these developments, while pointing out the importance of virtualisation and this developing ecosystem. Read more »

Quest Software – Targeting The Management and Monitoring Of Private Cloud Computing

Quest Software's Joe Baguley was the first to volunteer to be interviewed as part of Martin's research into Cloud Computing. He has interesting observations on Quest's approach, as well as Microsoft's Azure platform. Read more »

Citrix – A Pragmatic, Customer-Driven Approach To Cloud Computing

Citrix's strategy is built on the expertise of acqured companies. In this article Martin explains how it is well positioned to take advantage of the developing Cloud Computing market. Read more »

How Will Microsoft Adjust Its Strategy To Survive The ITC Downturn?

Microsoft is planning its new strategy in the last month of its financial year. In this piece Martin forecasts what will be in it it and give some advice on how it can survivie the ITC downturn Read more »

Cloud Computing – A Growth Business In The Downturn

In this first of a series of Themes, Martin describes and defines Cloud Computing from the point of view of user and supplier participants. He calls for reactions in order to provide future profiles. His conclusion is that Cloud Computing is good in a downturn. For a powerpoint presentation of this blog see http://tinyurl.com/ryk3n2. Read more »

Welcome to my Blog!

Blogging about ITC eventually… I’m going to cover subjects such as Cloud Computing, Corporate and Social Responsibility, Market Forecasts, Digital Content, Convergence, etc. There’s so much happening in the industry today – and not all bad. Looking forward to discussing themes, trends, opportunities with anyone who’s interested. Everyone suggested WordPress as a […] Read more »